How does It Work?
Tri-Polar electrodes are used to deliver high-frequency electrical current to the skin and subcutaneous layers. The unique TriPolar configuration and associated control software enable accurate control of the energy and the depth of its delivery. This enables the most efficient and powerful tissue treatment of any RF technology in the market.
Physiology and Subcutaneous fat -The hypodermis or subcutaneous fat layer is made up of the clustering of fat cells called adipose tissue. At room temperature, these fat cells contain single droplets of stored fat in the form of liquid fat. Of a single fat cell, 95% of it is fat in volume.
Adipose tissue collectively makes up a large scattered organ that is metabolically very active, which is primarily engaged in the uptake and release of fat. The release of fact can then be made available as energy to cells throughout the rest of the body.
Temperature And Its Effect on Fat Release
It is well known in chemistry that the reaction rate can be increased significantly by increasing the temperature of the reaction. Therefore, increasing the temperature in the adipose tissue, increase the rate of release FFA. For example temperature below 36 C slow reaction rates and temperature above 36 C increase reaction rates in a more or less linear fashion.
Treatment of Cellulite and Skin Tightening and Firming
We have to create conditions where fat cells in the desired treatment area (i.e. tummy, buttocks,” love handles” double chin, etc.) release their liquid fat thus shrinking in size.
In order to deal with the root of the problem, we have to selectively raise the temperature of the fat cells in the treatment for a prolonged time, in both the dermis and subcutaneous fat layers of the skin.
This results in shrinkage of ALL treated fat cells and an increase of the blood circulation through the tiny capillaries supplying the fat cells which in turn increase oxygen supply to that area further increasing local fat cells metabolism and helping the lymphatic system to mobilize waste and toxins from the treatment area.
Fat reduction by Selective Electro-heating of Fat
In order to selectively raise the temperature in the necessary areas, high-frequency electrical currents are transmitted to all skin layers via the TriPolar Electrode configuration. These skin layers in which the currents travel act as resistors in a series, the fat layer having significantly higher electrical resistance Than the other layers. Therefore, when the current passes through the skin layers the areas with the greater electrical resistance (fat cells) are heated much more than the surrounding tissue. Therefore, by selectively heating the fat cells it increases the metabolism and forcing them to release FFA thereby shrinking in size and achieving the desired aesthetic results.
Summary of the Benefits of Tri-Polar Technology
This remarkable technology selectively heats the fat cells under the skin without adversely affecting surrounding tissues. Simultaneously heating deep and shallow areas of fat, doing so by combining this dual effect of uni-polar RF and Bi-polar RF in one applicator. Moreover, unlike conventional systems, this patented technology eliminates the need for skin cooling thus enhancing treatment efficiency – resulting in fewer treatment sessions and less fat.